Author: admin

Face Coverings In Marin Are Mandatory

On April 17, Marin Public Health issued a public health order requiring the use of face coverings when people interact with others who are not members of their household in public and private spaces. Governor Gavin Newsom issued an additional order on June 18, mandating face coverings for the entire state.  Both orders are in effect until … Continued

Town Streamlines Temporary Outdoor Dining & Retail Permit

In an effort to facilitate business recovery, the Town has created a streamlined process to allow for the temporary use of public and private spaces for outdoor dining, retail, and other uses.  Click here for more information and the on-line application. Find out more and apply here.

Policy Reform Recommendations From Outside Organizations 

In a previous message to the community (6/5/2020), I spoke to the fact that our policies on use of force are in line with many of the policy reform recommendations from outside organizations. I pointed out that those policies have always been available on our web site. I understand that my messages cannot reach a … Continued

Messages to the Community from Mayor Goddard and Chief Morin

Dear Fairfax Community, I’ve been sitting with my large sheet of white poster board and my paints, ruminating over what I want to paint on my sign to hold in the Parkade, and stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. I’ve been holding signs made by other people, one by a white Drake … Continued

Community Message from Chief Christopher Morin, June 5, 2020

Community Message from Chief Christopher Morin, June 5, 2020 I along with some of our community leaders have received many calls, emails and social media messages from within and outside our community in the recent days.  The questions are concerning our use of force and other policies in relation to a report card and information … Continued

Joint Statement from the Marin County Chief’s Association

To The Fairfax Community: On June 1st, 2020 I attended a meeting of all of the Marin County Police Chiefs.  Below is a joint statement that we have agreed on disseminating to our communities as the result of the death George Floyd in Minnesota.  I endorse this statement.  The officers of your Fairfax Police Department … Continued

Community Message from Chief Morin Regarding Use of Force

June 4th, 2020 To the Fairfax Community, I have been struggling with the proper way to express my personal thoughts and feelings of sadness over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota who died at the hands of Police Officers.  While I am not familiar with the policies and practices of agencies in Minnesota, I … Continued

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