Author: admin

Town Replaces Gas Water Heaters with Heat Pump Water Heaters

The Town recently enrolled in Willdan’s heat pump water heater (HPWH) electrification program and replaced its gas water heaters in the Public Works, Police Station, Women’s Club, Pavilion, and Fire Department buildings with new HPWHs. Thanks to PG&E and MCE match funding for the program, the Town was able to have this work completed at … Continued

Town Council Adopts Ordinances Regulating Short-Term (Vacation) Rentals

Short-term rentals (of 30 days or less) are currently prohibited in the town. However, the Town Council is in the process of developing a program to allow and regulate short-term rentals, beginning with the adoption of two ordinances and a resolution.  Read the ordinances and resolution.

Town Welcomes New Interim Planning and Building Services Director

On July 12, the Town Council appointed David Woltering to serve as the Interim Planning and Building Services Director. Mr. Woltering is highly qualified, as well as familiar with the Ross Valley area, having recently served in a similar interim role in the Town of Ross. Read the staff report here. 

New Options for Supporting Mental Health in Marin – #988

In 2020, Congress approved a new free 24/7 crisis phone number for behavioral health crisis needs nationwide. Beginning July 16, 2022 instead of dialing 911, emergency calls can be placed to 988 for urgent help in a time of mental health, substance use crisis, or even witnessing another person experiencing a behavioral health challenge. The federal … Continued

Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Community Meeting – July 26th

Please join the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, fire agencies, and other partners for an in-person public meeting to hear about implementation of the first phase of the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break. Meeting Details Topic: Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break – project implementation Date: July 26, 2022 Time: 6 – 7:30pm Location: Sleepy Hollow Community Center (1317 Butterfield Rd, … Continued

Fairfax Election this November

The next regularly scheduled election will be held on November 8, 2022, when Fairfax voters will elect two Town Council Members, a Town Treasurer and a Town Clerk, as well as vote on a ballot measure to renew a special tax for paramedic services. Notice of Election The Nominations period opened on July 18, and … Continued

PG&E Enhanced Vegetation Management Process

As PG&E does tree work in our area, they are enhancing their vegetation management process. The customer communications process is: Pre-inspection notifications Post-inspection work required doorhanger (if customer is not home) Customer unresponsive / no contact Customer opposition / refusal to allow work Work complete notification Please contact PG&E with any questions or concerns at or … Continued

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