Category: Public Works

Town seeks bids for street sweeping services

The Town of Fairfax is issuing a Request for Qualifications to provide Street Sweeping Services to qualified contractors that can provide the requested service. The qualified contractor will be expected to provide street sweeping services to approximately 16.5 miles of Streets and Roads within the Town of Fairfax, although the exact mileage and streets may … Continued

Porteous Avenue and Scenic Road Repair projects nearing completion

Porteous Avenue, stretching from Bolinas to Wood Lane, and Scenic Road, between Azalea and Manor, have undergone repaving. While there is some remaining work, such as resetting manholes and applying street markings, these tasks will be completed in the following weeks. The overall project is now substantially finished. The Department of Public Works will soon … Continued

PG&E Roadwork on Bolinas Road at Mono on Tuesday, October 10

The Public Works Department has advised that PG&E will be mobilizing a crew tomorrow, Tuesday, October 10 to dig up a section of roadway on Bolinas Road at Mono to determine the cause of the sinking roadway (depression) at that location. The work will require the closure of the northbound lane. PG&E will be blocking … Continued

Sidewalk shaving scheduled this week to improve minor offsets

The Program The Sidewalk Repair Program helps property owners repair their damaged sidewalks. If you own a property in Fairfax and your sidewalk is broken, you can participate in this program. Here’s how it works Cost-Sharing: The Town of Fairfax will share the cost of replacing the sidewalk with you. They will pay for half … Continued

Public Works is hiring a Maintenance Worker!

Read the full job recruitment The Fairfax Public Works Department is looking for a Maintenance Worker to join our team. This is an entry-level position that can lead to a higher level after gaining experience and demonstrating proficiency. Examples of duties Street Maintenance Under supervision, performs a variety of street maintenance work such as AC … Continued

Scenic Road and Porteous Avenue road improvements will begin soon

Road improvements are coming this summer on Scenic Road and Porteous Avenue! Scenic Road between Azalea Avenue and Manor Road and Porteous Avenue between Bolinas Road and Wood Lane will be receiving a full roadway repaving and improvements to some of the curb ramps, and sections of curbs and gutters starting in mid-August. Initially, work … Continued

Town seeks bids for 145 Canyon Road Restabilization and Repaving Project

145 Canyon Road Re-stabilization and Repaving Project The Project is for the installation of a new soldier pile and tie-back retaining wall alongside the creek and below the road, and repaving a section of the roadway. Addendums Addendum No. 1 Addendum No. 2 Addendum No. 3 Bid submission location + deadline NEW BID SUBMISSION DEADLINE: … Continued

Town seeks bids for road improvement project

2023 Road Repair Project The Project is for the repair/repaving of three town roads and associated work. The streets are Scenic between Azalea and Manor, Porteous between Bolinas and Wood Lane and Claus Drive between Sir Francis Drake and Burdette. Work will include removal and replacement of asphalt, new striping and markings, and adjacent ADA … Continued

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