Category: Town News

Work continues on the Fairfax Housing Element Update

The Affordable Housing Committee will meet this Wednesday, September 8th, from 3:30-5:30pm. Topics such as the “Missing Middle” housing approach and ensuring compliance with AB 686 (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) will be discussed. The Committee will also look at preliminary site analysis materials including a map showing potential areas that could allow for additional housing … Continued

Marin County Covid Update – 7/23/21

Marin County Public Health has reported the first COVID-19 death of a county resident since mid-May. The resident had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and died Wednesday, July 21, after being admitted to a hospital with respiratory symptoms. The fatality was the 186th in Marin during the pandemic. All Marin County residents who have died from COVID-19 … Continued

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