Category: Town News

We Invite you to Participate in the Housing Element Process

The Planning Commission will be exploring Housing Site options at a special meeting on August 12, 2021.  Please go to the Planning Public Meetings webpage and for more information the week prior to the meeting. The Town of Fairfax and EMC Planning Group, our Housing Element firm, welcome you to participate in in a … Continued

PG&E Programs to Help Support Those Impacted by the Pandemic

Customers who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can now find new and updated information and web resources on various programs available to those who are behind on their bills and/or needing financial assistance due to the ongoing pandemic by going to: Or click here for resources: English Spanish

Cascade Restriping with Double Yellow Center Line

We are restoring the yellow double center line on Cascade and removing the white fog lines in those areas and adding advisory 15 mph signs, bike sharrow markings on the roadway and other signage. The contractor has informed us that they will be able to restripe Cascade Tuesday, June 15th, with work beginning at 8:00am. Please … Continued

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