Category: Town News

PG&E Lookup Tool for CAISO Rotating Outages is Now Live

In response to California Independent System Operator (CAISO) recent calls for utilities to reduce load by instituting rotating outages, PG&E developed a tool to help customers see how they might be affected. Rotating outages are organized by circuit blocks dispersed across PG&E’s service area and sequenced to minimize the amount of disruption for each customer. … Continued

Face Coverings In Marin Are Mandatory

On April 17, Marin Public Health issued a public health order requiring the use of face coverings when people interact with others who are not members of their household in public and private spaces. Governor Gavin Newsom issued an additional order on June 18, mandating face coverings for the entire state.  Both orders are in effect until … Continued

Town Streamlines Temporary Outdoor Dining & Retail Permit

In an effort to facilitate business recovery, the Town has created a streamlined process to allow for the temporary use of public and private spaces for outdoor dining, retail, and other uses.  Click here for more information and the on-line application. Find out more and apply here.

Messages to the Community from Mayor Goddard and Chief Morin

Dear Fairfax Community, I’ve been sitting with my large sheet of white poster board and my paints, ruminating over what I want to paint on my sign to hold in the Parkade, and stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. I’ve been holding signs made by other people, one by a white Drake … Continued

A Message to the Community from Mayor Goddard

May 23, 2020  Dear Fairfax Community,  I have 3X5 index card thumb tacked to the bulletin board in my kitchen.. It reads: “Assume Benevolence”  I wrote it a long time ago, in pencil in my scribble, on a faded salmon colored card, and it catches my eye every time I walk by. I’ve grown to … Continued

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