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Sandbags are available for residents off of Bank Street and Elsie next to the skate park.

Community Services

Yes. We will gladly take requests for safety presentations by our police staff. Call us at 415-453-5330, and ask for the Sergeant on duty. An officer will contact you to gather the information necessary to fulfill your request.

Yes. The police department does not store these records. Children should have prints taken each year, as their prints become more defined as they reach early adulthood.

Whether you should choose to install an alarm system can depend on many factors, including the location of your home, your lifestyle, your feelings about security, and your budget. If you are concerned about safety in your neighborhood, please contact the department to discuss your concerns.

If you are considering installing an alarm, make sure to do your research. There are several types of alarm systems, so make sure you know how a system works: is it an audible alarm? Does it go to a central monitoring station? When are police contacted? Also, make sure to have at least three reliable companies come out to do a free estimate before you make your decision.

Call the Fairfax Police Department at 415-453-5330 any time. Any of our officers would be happy to come to your home to discuss home safety and crime prevention tips.

You can report harassing phone calls to the Fairfax Police Department. The department will investigate the problem, and if the caller is “known” to you, If the caller is “unknown” to you, after obtaining a police report number, you can contact Pacific Bell Customer Service and request that a trap be placed on your phone line.

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