About Fairfax
The Town of Fairfax is an environmentally conscious community situated in the heart of central Marin County. Incorporated in 1931, Fairfax has a population of approximately 7500. Historic development patterns in Fairfax created a town with a distinct center, giving it a village-like feel, and providing a good public transit hub within walking and bicycling distance of most of the town’s inhabitants.
The current town center creates a lively mixture of businesses and residences. The Art Deco movie theater is the centerpiece of a vibrant nightlife with top-notch restaurants and well-known clubs with venues for jazz and other popular music. The Town’s villagelike character, reflected in the small businesses, quaint neighborhoods and busy sidewalks contribute to the sense of uniqueness about Fairfax. Framing and dominating the town is its natural setting – a visible open space of oak-studded hills to the north and west, and the forested shoulders of the Coastal Range to the south. Fairfax is a special place, loved by residents as well as visitors.