Age Friendly Fairfax

Age Friendly Fairfax

Age Friendly Fairfax is dedicated to supporting age friendly initiatives for our residents.  We offer in person and online free to low-cost recreation classes, forums,  events and more.

Sign up for the Age Friendly Newsletter

We have been offering services, such as, classes, forums, luncheons and more for several decades.

We publicize the Age Friendly Newsletter monthly in the Town Newsletter and online. Subscribe to the Town Newsletter to receive Age friendly updates right into your inbox!

Fairfax Recreation offers a variety of classes for Older Adults - all FREE of charge!

Join us for a monthly topic of interest for Older Adults in our community

The Ross Valley Seniors is a fun, active, social group who meet on the first Thursday of each month.

Important local, county, and state contacts.

Things to consider when preparing for a disaster.

Age friendly discounts for shops and restaurants in town.

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