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Planning and Building

The Department of Planning and Building Services protects and enhances Fairfax’s unique and diverse small-town character, public health and safety, social and physical environment, and sustainability.  Planning and Building services include:

  • Reviewing development applications for consistency with Town regulations, policies and goals
  • Implementing Regional, State, and Federal laws governing local jurisdictions
  • Assisting with local review of FEMA flood regulations.
  • Responding to the ever-changing development-related challenges confronting the Town.
  • Serving as the staff liaison to the Planning Commission. Also serves the Town Council and assists other local committees including Open Space Committee, Affordable Housing Committee, Tree Committee, and Climate Action Committee.
  • Developing for review and adoption and implements, the Town’s General Plan, Housing Element, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance.
  • Implementing the California Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Codes.
  • Investigating and enforcing violations of planning and building regulations.
  • Providing information to the public on a wide range of planning- and building-related topics

Building Division

Building permits are issued Monday – Thursday 9-11 a.m., contact the Building Official Mark Lockaby at mlockaby@townoffairfax.org or 415-458-2370.  Inspections are conducted Monday – Thursday mornings and afternoons. For inspections call 415-453-2263.

Building Permit fess waived for accessibility improvements being made to existing structures

Accessibility improvements are essential to ensure that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in society, have equal access to services and opportunities, and enjoy a higher quality of life. These improvements are often mandated by laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to promote inclusion and prevent discrimination against people with disabilities.

If you’re making accessibility improvements to meet ADA requirements on an existing building, like your home or business, your building permit fees are waived for the accessibility portion of the work!

Planning Division

Planning Staff counter hours are Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m.-noon. Planning staff are also available by appointment Monday – Thursday 1-3 pm. Call 415-453-1584 to speak to a planner or email Linda Neal, Principal Planner or Kara Spencer, Associate Planner at the links below.


Bryn McKillop Housing Specialist (415) 259-7997 Email
Building Inspection Line Building Official (415) 453-2263 (Inspection Line) Email
Jeff Beiswenger Planning and Building Services Director (415) 453-1584 Email
Kara Spencer Associate Planner 415-453-1584 Email
Linda Neal Principal Planner (415) 453-1584 Email
Mark Lockaby Building Official (415) 458-2370 Email
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