2023 Age Friendly Nonagenarian Celebration
11:00am - 12:30pm

This annual event is led by community members from Age Friendly Fairfax. The Town of Fairfax honors our nonagenarian Fairfax community members with home delivered gift baskets to our age friendly residents 90 years of age or older.
Get on our delivery list
We’ll be sending out letters to all residents 90 years of age or older. If you want to participate respond by email or phone.
If you or someone you know does not receive a letter, but qualifies for an age friendly gift basket, get in touch with Jackie Engstrom to be added to our delivery list.
Learn more about this event
AARP and the World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Fairfax as an Age-Friendly community. AARP and the WHO helps cities and towns to provide environments encouraging healthy, active aging by optimizing opportunities for health, participation, and security.
A member of Age Friendly Fairfax (or a volunteer outside the group) will deliver a gift bag and a Fairfax Certificate of Appreciation to each participating person on Saturday, November 4th between 11am and 12:30 pm.