Building Together: ADU Insights with City Staff in San Anselmo, Fairfax, Mill Valley

AprApril 16 2024

Join the County of Marin for ‘Building Together: ADU Insights with City Staff in San Anselmo, Fairfax, Mill Valley, a webinar designed to explore the potential of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in enhancing local housing options. Engage with city officials as they share key insights, regulatory frameworks, and success stories about ADU development in their communities. This session aims to provide homeowners, developers, and interested citizens with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the ADU process, from planning to completion. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and interact with local experts on how to succeed with your ADU project.

This webinar features city staff from across the region. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, engage, and ask questions directly to the experts! Register using the links below.


Register online for the April 16th webinar. 


Contact ADU Marin at

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