Earth Day Celebration:  Bioblitz with Photography – POSTPONED

AprApril 25 2021

9:30am - 11:30am

Due to much needed rain in the forecast, we are postponing this event. New date TBD – check back for updates. 

Become a citizen scientist and help us document the diversity in our Fairfax Open Space Preserves! Fairfax Parks and Recreation with the Artist in Residence program are partnering with Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC) for this unique undertaking: our first Bioblitz to celebrate Earth Day. A BioBlitz is an event where a group of people tries to document as many species as possible in a specific time frame. It’s a great way to get to know a place, local animals and plants, and collect real scientific data. We will also be learning some of the basics of wildlife photography.

Our first Bioblitz will take place Sunday April 25th from 9:30AM until 11:30 PM at the Loma Alta Open Space Preserve. This is an in-person event, adapted to COVID regulations, with social distancing, masks at all times, touchless sign up, and no equipment sharing. We will walk in very small groups, explore nature, photograph and document our observations using the free smartphone app iNaturalist.  This is planned as the first of many.

If this sounds like fun, join us!

For more info and to RSVP please contact

This event is being organized by Susan Pascal Beran, Artist in Residence and Chair of Fairfax Open Space and Heather Duplaisir, the newest advisory member of the Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC) with special guest wildlife photographers.

Heather Duplaisir  is a professor at San Jose State University in the Department of Public Health and Recreation. She has a Master of Science in Recreation from San Francisco State University where her focus was on sustainable tourism. She is the author of award winning publications on socially responsible and ecologically sustainable tourism and has an Outdoor Educator Certification awarded by the National Outdoor Leadership School. She has spoken at tourism conferences both globally and locally on sustainable tourism.

For more about Susan,  click here. 

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