Fairfax Take Back Day

AprApril 30 2022

10:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday, April 30th
Fairfax Market (at the West end of the parking lot)
We will collect:
*Electronic waste
*Document shredding
*Tire recycling
(No bulbs and no batteries)
Please note that we will not be collecting mattresses this year
Stop by and meet your Marin Sanitary Service representatives and ask all of your Zero Waste questions
Fairfax Drug Take Back
Saturday, April 30th
10am – 1pm
Fairfax Market (at the West end of the parking lot)

Clean out your medicine cabinets twice a year or more to prevent intentional and unintentional drug misuse and injury. Every year, about two million people end up in the hospital due to drug-related injuries, including medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and overdoses. Children, youth, and the elderly are especially at risk for injury and overdose. Among people who misuse prescription pain relievers like opioids, the most common source for the meds is a friend or relative.

Improper disposal can also have harmful environmental effects. Flushing medications can cause a variety of consequences in waterways and negatively impact our communities.
To properly dispose of your prescriptions, either at the Fairfax drop off or mail back your unwanted or expired medications. Place pills in either their original packaging (with labels removed for privacy) or put assorted pills in a sealable plastic bag. Liquids in bottles can be placed in sealable plastic bags, as well. Visit the RXSafe Marin website to find your nearest disposal kiosk or mail-back site as well as how to request a mail-back envelope be sent directly to your home.
Thank you for making Marin a safer place!
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