Interim Service Protocols During COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Order
The following Town of Fairfax Department of Planning and Building Services interim protocols are in currently in effect in compliance with the updated 3/31/20 Shelter-In-Place Order from the County of Marin Health Officer.
► Building
Currently, we are issuing permits for all types of construction projects. Small project same day permits are issued Monday – Thursday from 9-11am here at Town Hall 142 Bolinas Road. Permit applications can be downloaded and filled out. Once complete, applications can to be sent to: Plans for solar, and smaller projects can be emailed as well.
For inspections call 415-453-2263. Inspections are conducted Monday – Thursday mornings, and afternoons. During inspections all workers, and the inspector must be wearing protective masks, and maintaining 6 feet social distancing. For questions contact Mark Lockaby at: or 415-458-2370
► Planning
Planning staff is available in person at Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, from 8:30 AM to noon, Monday through Thursday, via email and telephone, and will be checking emails and phone messages daily. Staff is available to meet in person by appointment only Monday through Thursday in the afternoon between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. If you are interested in applying for a new residence, Accessory Dwelling Unit, Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, or other Essential Construction (see above) project, please contact us for information on how to apply.
Ben Berto
Director of Planning and Building Services
(415) 458-2346
Linda Neal
Principal Planner
(415) 458-2344
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we continue through this challenging period. The Town is working towards restoring full customer service.