Marin County Health Officer Issues Order for the Wearing of Face Coverings in Workplaces and Public Settings Starting Tuesday, August 3rd

Posted on August 2, 2021

DATE OF ORDER: August 2, 2021
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 3, 2021
On July 27, 2021, CDC updated guidance for fully vaccinated people given new evidence on the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant. CDC recommends that fully vaccinated persons wear a mask in public indoor settings. It also now recommends that fully vaccinated persons get tested after close contact with infected persons. On July 28, 2021 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) aligned its Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings with the CDC and recommends universal masking in public indoor settings statewide. CDC and CDPH also endorsed that fully vaccinated people at higher risk for COVID-19 infection, as well as unvaccinated and not fully vaccinated persons consider wearing a mask in non-public indoor settings. Household transmission and small gatherings are major drivers of COVID-19 transmission in Marin County.
Universal indoor use of face coverings, also known as masking, is the least disruptive and most immediately effective additional measure to take. This Order is part of a strategy to support the continued operations of businesses, activities, and schools. The Health Officer strongly supports the full reopening of in-person classes for all grades at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year. Universal indoor use of face coverings will allow minimal physical distancing and targeted quarantine protocols, keeping students in school.
Health officials urge people of all ages to get vaccinated, not just for their own health but for the health of those around them. The Marin County Public Health website includes a list of pop-up vaccination clinics at locations throughout the county. The Marin County Department of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 website is updated regularly with the latest localized and statewide information about the virus.
See the County’s full news release.
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