Measure F Oversight Committee


Monitor the use of the special municipal tax revenues in accordance with Measure F.


A citizens’ oversight committee was established by the Town Council in 2005 with the passage of Measure F. The oversight committee has continued with each renewal of the tax.

In 2019, however, after five years with no citizens volunteering to serve on the citizens oversight committee, the Town Council reconstituted the committee to consist of:

  • Two Council Members
  • Town Treasurer
  • Former Town Treasurer
  • Parks and Recreation Commission representative

In 2020, they added two representatives from the public at large. In this way, the tax revenues continue to be monitored to ensure they are used according to the purpose and intent of the measure.

The Special Municipal Services Tax

The Special Municipal Services Tax, known as Measure F, was first passed by the voters of Fairfax in June of 2005, and approved by the voters every 5 years thereafter. Most recently, Fairfax voters approved it for the fourth time in November of 2019, continuing the annual tax for each business occupancy and dwelling unit at a rate of $195 in the first year (beginning July 1, 2020) and increasing $5 annually to a maximum of $250 per dwelling unit. It is codified in Title 3 of the Town Code.



Member Position Term
Barbara Coler Town Council Undefined
Stephanie Hellman Town Council Undefined
Talia Friedman Town Treasurer Undefined
Janet Garvin Former Town Treasurer Undefined
Rachel Fischbein Parks & Recreation Commission Undefined
Cindy Swift At-Large Member Undefined
Vacant At-Large Member Undefined

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