Planning Commission: May 18, 2023

May 18 2023

7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club

Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930
May 2, 2023
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Planning Commission Meeting

Public Hearing Agenda
7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 18, 2023


This meeting will be held in-person at the Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road, Fairfax, and, consistent with AB 361 during the declared order of emergency, the 7pm meeting is also being held virtually on Zoom. It will be broadcast on Channels 27 and 99, and livestreamed on or

How to participate in the meeting virtually

  • Join the Zoom webinar and use the “raise hand” feature to provide verbal public comment.
  • On Zoom: Webinar ID: 836 6532 1093 or join
  • By telephone: 1 (669) 900 6833 or 1 (346) 248-7799 and use Webinar ID above. If you receive a busy signal, call +1 (346) 248-7799 (Press *67 before dialing to hide your phone number). To speak during the public comment time press *9 and you will be added to the queue and unmuted when it is your turn to speak.

Before 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting you may e-mail written comments to the Planning Commission at Comments will be provided to the Commission prior to the meeting and will become part of the meeting record but will not be read out loud.


ROLL CALL (Commissioner Newton will participate via teleconferencing from 16 Ledge Rd. #72, Blue Hill, Maine, 04614)



The Chair shall maintain order at the meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the Commission has the responsibility to be a model of respectful behavior in order to encourage community participation and citizen input at Commission meetings.

The Commission and the audience are expected to refrain from using profane language and/or ridiculing the character or motive of Commission members, staff, or members of the public and to maintain the standards of tolerance and civility.


Anyone wishing to address the Commission on matters not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission, must do so by e-mail, in person, or via Zoom in the manner described above. Presentations will be limited to three minutes, or as otherwise established by the Commission Chair.

Conduct: All interested persons are invited to participate in public hearings. In order to give all interested persons an opportunity to be heard and to ensure the presentation of all points of view, members of the audience should: (1) Limit their presentation to three minutes: (2) Provide their comments by e-mail as described above; (3) State their view and concerns succinctly; and (4) Submit any new documents to the Planning Staff, first, directly, or via e-mail at to be entered into the record.


There are no items on the consent calendar.



1. 20 Willow Avenue and 76 Manor Road; Application # 23-11

Continued consideration of a request for Encroachment Permits to install at grade battery backup cabinets in the public rights-of-way to house emergency back-up battery systems for existing COMCAST power sources mounted on existing utility poles in compliance with California Public Utilities Commission regulations requiring communication emergency back-up systems providing 72-hour service emergency service after natural disasters/weather events; APN #’s 001-235-03 (20 Willow Ave.) and 001-113-08 (76 Manor – cabinet proposed on Acacia Rd.); RD 5.5-7 Zones; Comcast, applicant; CEQA categorically exempt from CEQA, per sections 15301(b) and 15302(c).

2. 54 and 56 Bolinas Road; Application # 23-13

Request for a Design Review Permit for an exterior color change to the existing commercial building front façade; Assessor’s Parcel No. 002-115-16; CC Central Commercial Zone; Doug Yee, owner; Holly Brandborg, Emma Sheldon, and Padma Yoga Studio applicants; proposed work does not entail any structural changes to the building and therefore, does not constitute a project under CEQA.

3. 142 Tamalpais Road; Application # 23-14

Request for a Conditional Use Permit and Variances to construct a 213 square-foot deck onto the north side of the existing single-family residence; Assessor’s Parcel # 001-121-25; RS-6 Residential Single-family Zone; Arrow Deck and Construction, Applicant; John Nolan, owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a).

Attachment A: Plans

4. 74 Woodland Road; Application # 23-15

Request for a Conditional Use Permit, Variances, and Revocable Encroachment Permit for the repair and reinforcement of existing retaining walls; construction of new retaining walls, entry stairs, concrete driveway, deck with two paved parking spaces below; and installation of new parking pad for four parking spaces; Assessor’s Parcel # 003-082-04; Residential Single-family RS-6 Zone; Briar Horn, Applicant; Haley and Briar Horn, owners; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(d) and § 15303(d).

74 Woodland Road Plans


There are no discussion items scheduled for this meeting.


5. Review and approval of minutes from the April 20, 2023, Planning Commission meeting.



There will be no Planning Director Report


Staff reports: Staff reports, and associated materials will be available for public review on the
Town website at the Saturday before the meeting.

Court Challenges: If you challenge the matter(s) described above in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this Notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to the above referenced public hearing [Govt. Code section 65009(b)].

If an item is continued to a date certain, it is the responsibility of interested parties to note the new meeting date. Notices will not be sent out for items continued to a specific hearing date.

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Planning Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection on the Town’s website at subject to the staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting.

Accommodation: If you need accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact the Town Clerk at (415) 453-1584 a minimum of 48 hours prior to the meeting.

The Final Agenda will be posted on the Friday evening before the hearing at the Fairfax Post Office, the Women’s Club and Town Hall in accordance with Government Code section 54954.2(a)(1). Items shown on this notice may be taken out of order so all interested parties should be at the meeting at 7:00 PM.

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