Planning Commission Meeting: April 20, 2017
Apr 20 2017
7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club
Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930
- Minutes from the March 16, 2017 Planning Commission workshop meeting.
- 2626 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Assessor’s Parcel No. 174-070-17;
The Planning Commission will meet to consider approval of resolutions regarding the proposed Victory Village senior housing project (the “Project”). The Project will require the subdivision of the existing 20-acre site into three parcels, one 2-acres in size and two others that will each be 9-acres. A General Plan amendment is sought to change the land use designation of the two 9-acre parcels from PDD to UR-7-10, as well as to establish a new General Plan land use designation (Multiple-Family Residential – Senior) and re-designate the 2-acre Project site to that new land use designation. Zoning ordinance text and map amendments are necessary to add a new Multiple-Family Residential – Senior (RM-S) Zone District to the Town Code (Town Code Chapter 17.090), as well as to rezone the 2-acre parcel from UR-7 to RM-S. The 2-acre parcel is proposed to be developed as a senior housing project affordable to extremely low and very low income households. Given these affordability parameters, the project applicant, Resources for Community Development, seeks a density bonus in order to construct 54 units at a density of 27 dwelling units per acre, where 20 dwelling units per acre would otherwise be permitted, and has requested density bonus waivers and/or concessions with respect to the project’s proposed height (38’ 7”), uncovered parking, and undergrounding of the existing above ground utility lines on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Finally, applicant seeks approval of a Traffic Impact Permit, Excavation Permit, and Design Review for the Project. Review of the Project under the California Environmental Quality Act (‘CEQA’) has been conducted via the preparation and circulation of an Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration.The Planning Commission will consider these items and may make a recommendation to the Town Council to approve and adopt the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and the requested approvals listed above.