Planning Commission Meeting: May 18, 2017

May 18 2017

7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club

Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930



  1. Continued Consideration of a Draft Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance; Discussion/consideration of a draft Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance being proposed to bring the Fairfax Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance into compliance with new State Regulations; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15300.1, and Statutory Exemptions, Public Resources Code §§ 21080.15(b)(15) and 21080.17.
  2. 125 Live Oak Avenue; Application # 17-13
    Continued consideration of a request for a Hill Area Residential Development Permit, Parking Variance and Design Review Permit for a 50% remodel/expansion of an existing 1,910 sf. single-family residence into a 1,962 sf. single-family residence; Assessor’s Parcel No. 001-236-03; Residential RD 5.5-7 Zone; Dan Bettencourt, applicant/owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a). (Principal Planner, Neal)
  3. 50 Scenic Road; Application # 17-03
    Request for a Conditional Use Permit and a Side Setback Variance to remove an existing, deteriorated 224-square-foot detached garage and construct a new 266-square-foot detached garage 11 feet to the northeast of the location of the existing garage that would be removed; Assessor’s Parcel No. 001-131-20; Residential Development RD 5.5-7 Zone; Laura Kehrlein, Fredric C. Divine Architects; Thomas Sellars and Jeanne Lotta-Sellars, owners; CEQA Categorically exempt Section 15303(e). (Zoning Technician, Levenson)
  4. 287 Bolinas Road; Application # 17-18
    Request for a Conditional Use Permit to reconstruct an existing 378-square-foot attached garage by constructing a 315-square-foot carport, relocating a parking space to the front portion of the property and repairing and expanding 104 square feet of decks by 142 square feet (proposed decks would total 246 square feet); Assessor’s Parcel No. 001-234-01; Residential Development RD 5.5-7 Zone; Meredith Mill, applicant; Lindy Fleming and Philip Andrews, owners; CEQA Categorically Exempt 15303(e).  (Zoning Technician, Levenson)
  5. 1569 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard; Application # 17-20
    Request for a modification of a Conditional Use Permit approved in 2005 and a Parking Variance to convert an existing 660-square-foot, barn structure for use as 660-square-feet of additional day-care space with 371-square-feet of second story office space; Assessor’s Parcel No. 002-213-26; Highway Commercial CH Zone; Shelby Green, applicant; David and Helen Segale, owners; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a). (Principal Planner Neal).
  6. 31 Bolinas Road; Application # 02-39
    Request for a modification of an existing Use Permit and Design Review Permit to alter an approved landscaping plan, legalize the outdoor use of 2 outdoor rear-yard areas for use by Four Paws and Yoga Mountain, and legalize other minor exterior changes to an existing commercial complex and for a hedge Height Variance to legalize an existing bamboo hedge; Assessor’s Parcel No. 002-122-46; Frederic C. Divine Associates, architects; Brad Schwan, owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a), 15303(e) and 15304(b). (Principal Planner Neal).
  7. 31 Bolinas Road; Application # 17-19
    Request for a sign permit and an encroachment permit for a multiple business sign program for 3 of the tenants in an existing commercial complex; Assessor’s Parcel No. 002-122-46; Brad Schwan, applicant/owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15305(b) and 15311(a).; Principal Planner Neal).
  1. Meeting Minutes

    Minutes from the April 26, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.


There are no discussion items scheduled.


October 15, 2018
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Jeff Beiswenger
Director of Planning and Building Services

142 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA, USA
Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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