Planning Commission Meeting: November 15, 2018
7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club
Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930
The Chair shall maintain order at the meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the Commission has the responsibility to be a model of respectful behavior in order to encourage community participation and citizen input at Commission meetings. The Commission and the audience are expected to refrain from using profane language and/or ridiculing the character or motive of Commission members, staff, or members of the public and to maintain the standards of tolerance and civility.
Anyone wishing to address the Commission on matters not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission, may do so now. Please state the matter on which you wish to speak. Matters not appearing on the Commission’s agenda will not receive action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to three minutes, or as otherwise established by the Commission Chair. Persons are not required to give their name or address, but it is helpful for speakers to state their name for the record and whether or not they are a Fairfax Resident in order that the Secretary may identify them.
There are no items scheduled for the consent calendar.
- Discussion/consideration of an ordinance to permit and regulate adult cannabis businesses in conformance with State Laws and Regulations pursuant to the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act; Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15061(b)(3), 15301, 15305 and 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines as separate and independent bases. (Town Manager Toy, Planning Director Berto)
- 1914 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.; Application # 18-18
Request for a Design Review Permit and a Parking Variance to expand/remodel the existing Lotus Café Restaurant from its current 683 square-foot commercial space at 1912 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. into the existing 687 square-foot commercial space at 1914 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.; Assessor’s Parcel No. 001-223-12; Central Commercial (CC) Zone District; Paul Sroa, applicant/business owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a) and (e)(1) and 15303(c). (Principal Planner Neal)
- 407 Cascade Drive: Application # 18-21
Request for Design Review and Use Permit for a new, 2-story, 3-bedroom, 2½ bath, 2,395 square-foot residence with an attached 530 square-foot (30 net square feet) garage (2,425 net building square feet) on a level 6,362 square-foot vacant lot. Independent of the garage area, the residence will contain 985 square feet on the first floor and 1,410 square feet on the second floor. Maximum proposed building height is 28.5 feet. Assessor’s Parcel 003-044-09, Residential R6 Zone District; Shawn and Allison Madden, owners/applicants; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301. (Planning Director Berto)
- 119 Live Oak Ave.; Application # 18-19
Request for a Use Permit to construct a 95 square-foot access stairway onto the west side of an existing residence to provide code compliant access from the upper floor of the structure to the crawl space mechanical room; Assessor’s Parcel 001-236-04; Residential RD 5.5-7 Zone District; Steve and Susan Scott, owners; Darold Petty, applicant; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a) and (f). (Principal Planner Neal)
- 154 Ridgeway Ave.; Application # 18-20
Request for a Use Permit to construct a 108 square-foot art studio, accessory structure with electricity and plumbing for a sink in the south rear yard of site developed with a 1,668 square-foot, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom single-family residence; Assessor’s Parcel No. 001-214-20; Residential Single-family RS-6 Zone District; Jessica Green, applicant/owner; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15303(e). (Principal Planner Neal)
- Continued discussion/consideration of an Ordinance amending the text of the Fairfax Zoning Ordinance, Town Code Title 17, Chapter 17.112, PDD Planned Development District Zone, pertaining to development standards and submittal procedures; CEQA exempt, sections 15305 and 15183. (Director Berto)
There are no discussion items scheduled for this meeting.
- Minutes from the October 18thand 25th, 2018 meetings.