Town Council Meeting: April 1, 2015

Apr 1 2015

7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club

Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930

Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road
Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
Preceded by a Special Meeting in Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road

SPECIAL MEETING, Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road

CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6
Agency designated representative: Garret Toy, Town Manager; Michael Vivrette, Finance Director; Employee Organizations: SEIU Local 949 Miscellaneous Unit, Police Officers Association and Unrepresented Management Employees

REGULAR MEETING, Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road


Packet Items

  1. Presentation of a Proclamation Honoring James O’Callaghan
  2. Accept Financial Statement and Disbursement Reports February 2015
  3. Approval of minutes for the March 4, 2015 Town Council meeting
  4. Accept report on Good Earth’s compliance with its conditions of approval (i.e., number of trucks allowed)
  5. Authorize the Town Manager to execute a purchase agreement for one police vehicle
  6. Authorize the Town Manager to execute the 2015 Joint Powers Agreement for the Marin County Major Crimes Task Force
  7. Adopt a proclamation proclaiming May 16 National Kids to Parks Day
  8. Reappointment of Richard Pedemonte to the Parks and Recreation Commission
  9. Approval of Town Manager Amended and Restated Employment Agreement
  10. Adopt a resolution designating the 24th of April 2015 as a Day of Commemoration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
  11. Approval of contract with Best, Best, and Krieger for Town Attorney services to retain the services of Janet Coleson, the current Town Attorney
  12. Ratify agreement with Brownco Construction for the renovation of the Women’s Club restroom
  13. Accept Building Official’s report on possible violations of the Town Code related to the burning of wood at 34 Rocca Drive
  14. Request the newly formed Town/School Liaison Committee to discuss the petition to the Ross Valley School District regarding the expansion of public school options in Fairfax
  15. Accept Marin Sanitary Services 2014 Annual Report
  16. Adopt a resolution in support of the relatives’, students’, and the greater public’s demand for an independent international investigation of the events that happened in Iguala, Mexico
  17. Presentation: World Health Organization Age-Friendly Fairfax
  18. Presentation: Marin Sanitary Services 2014 Annual Report
  19. Presentation: Memorial Park (San Anselmo) Skate Park/Revitalized Basketball Court
  20. Discussion/consideration of pilot residential parking permit system
  21. Discuss/Consider the approval/disapproval of the proposed additional assessment for the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment No.3
  22. Introduction and first reading by title only of an ordinance amending Chapter 8.32 of the Town Code (“Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention”) to be consistent with the State Water Resources Control Board Stormwater Permit requirements
  23. Introduction and first reading by title only of an ordinance amending Section 8.36.030 of Chapter 8.36 (“Trees”) of the Town Code, amending the composition of the Tree Committee
  24. Introduction and first reading by title only of an ordinance amending Chapter 17.036 of the Town Code, to update the procedure for directed referrals by the Town Council
  25. Introduction and first reading by title only of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.36 (“Public Bidding”) of the Fairfax Town Code to increase contract award limits per the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
December 31, 2018
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