Town Council Meeting: February 5, 2014

Feb 5 2014

7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club

Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930

Preceded by a Special Meeting at 5:30p.m. at Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road

5:30 PM – Call to order and Adjourn to Closed Session on the following matter:

  1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54957
    Title: Town Manager
  2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY  NEGOTIATORS pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8
    Property: 2001 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., APN 002-116-04
    Negotiating parties: Garrett Toy, Town Manager
    Property Owner: Arash Salkhi/Salkhi Family Trust
    Under negotiation: Both Price and Terms of Payment

Reconvene in Open Session at the Women’s Club, 46 Park Road:

7:00 PM – Call to order the Regular Meeting– PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE





The Mayor shall maintain order at the meetings. The Council and the audience are expected to refrain from using profane language and/or ridiculing the character or motives of council members, staff, or members of the public and to maintain the standards of tolerance and civility. Please turn off all cellular phones or place in silent mode.

The Town Council will review the agenda at 10:00 P.M. to ascertain which items, if any, will be continued to another meeting. Any matter not started by 11:30 P.M. will be continued to an adjourned or regular council meeting unless the Council votes to suspend this rule.


  • Friends of Louie Vaccaro invite the Fairfax Community to the February 8th Benefit for the Drake High School students injured on Christmas Eve. Events at Deer Park Villa, Peri’s 19 Broadway, and the Sleeping Lady.
  • Fairfax Food Pantry, Saturdays 9-11, Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, volunteers needed
  • One vacancy on the Affordable Housing Committee (applications at Town Hall and on Town website)


  1. Zero Waste Presentation
  2. Water Conservation
  3. FOCAS (Fairfax Open Circle Arts and Sports) Annual  Report
  4. GPIC and Climate Action Plan (CAP)
  5. Phyllis Gould: Rosie the Riveter


  1. Adoption of a resolution honoring the contributions and service of Bay Area “Rosie the Riveters” with Special Recognition for Phyllis Gould of Fairfax and four other Rosies who served at the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond, California during World War II
  2. Accept December 2013 Financial Statement and Disbursement Reports
  3. Accept status update on the clean-up of the property located at 159 Willow Avenue
  4. Ratification of Amendment to master lease with Ford Motor Credit
  5. Approval of Notice of Completion for Scenic Road Repaving Project


  1. Adoption of an interim urgency zoning ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax prohibiting approvals within the Highway Commercial (CH) zoning district during the pendency of the town’s adoption of permanent zoning regulations and declaring the urgency thereof
  2. Adoption of a resolution denying the appeal and upholding the decision of the Planning Commission as to Application No. 13-31 (177 Frustuck Avenue – APN 003-193-02)Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    Part 9
    Part 10
    Part 11
    Part 12
    Part 13
    Part 14
    Part 15
    Part 16
    Supplement to Item 12


  1. Adoption of a resolution denying Application No. 13-32 for development of 2001 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard (APN 002-116-04) as a gas station/convenience mart
  2. Discuss/consider modifications to the Bike Spine Project
  3. Discuss and accept status report on the neighborhood meeting regarding noise from Deer Park VillaSupplemental Attachment
  4. Introduction and First Reading by Title Only of Ordinance No. 777, Amending Section 6.16.050 of the Town Code of the Town of Fairfax Relating to Fowls to Include a Prima Facie Complaint Process and Giving Enforcement Responsibilities to the Building Official/Code Enforcement Officer
  5. Adopt a resolution adopting the Climate Action Plan (CAP)
    Part 1
    Part 2
  6. Adoption of a resolution establishing a Climate Action Committee (CAC) as a subcommittee of the General Plan Implementation Committee (GPIC)
  7. Approval of Work Program to Develop a Town Center Plan
  8. Discuss/consider a requirement for all stores, shops, eating places, food, and retail food vendors to charge a mandatory fee for paper bags provided at check out
  9. Second Reading by title only and adoption of Ordinance No. 775 of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax Prohibiting the Installation of Smartmeters and related equipment within the Town of Fairfax or in, along, across, upon, under and over the public streets and places within the Town of Fairfax for three years
  10. Adopt an administrative policy for the disposition of Town surplus personal property
  11. Discussion and Consideration of the Status of a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in the Town of Fairfax


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