Town Council Special Meeting: December 15, 2021
7:00 pm
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at
7:00 pm or immediately following the Adjourned, Continued Regular Meeting
Due to the declared State of Emergency and to ensure the health and safety of the public by limiting human contact that could spread the COVID-19 virus, and pursuant to AB 361 and Fairfax Town Council Resolution, this meeting will be held via teleconference only.
There will be no in-person meeting location. The public can participate in the meeting as follows:
- Watch on or
- Watch on TV Comcast Channel 27 or AT&T Channel 99
- Watch/speak on Zoom: Webinar ID 853 7660 3303 or join
- To speak during the Public Comment time, select the Raise Hand icon and you will be added to the queue and unmuted when it is your turn.
- Listen/speak by phone: +1(669) 900-9128 and use Webinar ID above. If you receive a busy signal, call +1 346 248-7799. (Press *67 before dialing to hide your phone number.) To speak during the public comment time press *9 and you will be added to the queue and unmuted when it is your turn.
- Prior to the meeting, you may email written comments to the Town Council to read and consider, up to 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting. All emails will be included in the meeting record.
- If a starting time is listed for an agenda item, it should be considered a guideline only. The town council reserves the right to alter the order of discussion in order to run an effective meeting. If you wish to assure yourself of hearing a particular discussion, please attend the entire meeting.
The Fairfax Town Council acknowledges that we are located on the un-ceded ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok people of present-day Marin County. We honor with gratitude the land itself, and all of its ancestors: past, present, and emerging.
The Mayor shall maintain order at the meetings. The Council and the audience are expected to refrain from using profane language and/or ridiculing the character or motives of council members, staff, or members of the public and to maintain the standards of tolerance and civility. Please turn off all cellular phones or place in silent mode.
The Town Council will review the agenda at 10:00 P.M. to ascertain which items, if any, will be continued to another meeting. Any matter not started by 11:30 P.M. will be continued to an adjourned or regular council meeting unless the Council votes to suspend this rule.
CONSENT CALENDAR (estimated time: 5-10 minutes)
The Council may approve the entire consent calendar with one action (vote). In the alternative, items on the Consent Calendar may be removed by any Town Council or staff member for separate discussion and vote. The opportunity for public comment on consent calendar items will occur prior to the Town Council’s vote on the Consent Calendar.
- Approve minutes for the September 22, 2021, Town Council Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission – Town Clerk
- Reappoint Councilmember Bruce Ackerman to the Marin Sonoma Mosquito Vector Control District Board of Directors – Town Clerk Michele Gardner
- Reappoint Jesse Hoffman to the Fairfax Volunteer Board – Town Clerk Michele Gardner
PUBLIC HEARINGS (estimated time: 1 hour)
- Adopt a Resolution Establishing Maximum Rates Collected by Marin Sanitary Service for Solid Waste Services to be Effective January 1, 2022, and Approving the Third Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with Marin Sanitary Service – Interim Public Works Director Jonathon Goldman
REGULAR AGENDA (estimated time: 1 hour)
- (A) Discussion of Safety Element progress including potential changes to the text, policies, programs, and graphics; the development of new wildfire safety programs, recognition of the efforts of FireSafe Marin, Neighborhood Response Groups, and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority; and compliance with SB 379 (2015) to address climate adaptation and resiliency. (B) Planning Commission Safety Element recommendations. (C) Housing Element status update. – Planning Director Ben Berto, EMC Planning Group
If any of the matters described above is challenged in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at any public hearing described on this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, this Council meeting.
If you need an accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting due to disability, please contact the Town Clerk prior to the meeting: (415) 453-1584 or
Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection