Vote By Mail or Dropbox
Voters may return their voted ballot by mail, or in an official ballot drop box, or at any open vote center in Marin County. For more info, visit www.MarinVotes.org.
Vote in Person
Neighborhood polling places have been replaced by regional vote centers that open at least 3 days before Election Day and have more services available. You may vote at any vote center in Marin County (some have already opened.)
The nearest vote center is The Fairfax Women’s Club. It will be open November 5th to November 7th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Election Day, November 8th from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Vote Center Services
- Register to vote & vote the same day
- Replace a lost or damaged ballot
- Early voting—vote before Election Day!
- Vote with an accessible voting machine
- Request help