Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC)


The Fairfax Open Space Committee assesses open space acquisition opportunities, raise funds and support within the community for such proposals. This Committee also serves as an advisory body in the consideration of long-term planning for the Town, and to review certain planning and development matters.


The Fairfax Open Space Committee (“FOSC”) is an advisory body to the Town Council. The Council first established this committee in 2004, dedicated to preserving open space in and around Fairfax with a membership of seven citizens.


The Open Space Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Fairfax Women’s Club at 7:00 p.m.

View upcoming meetings.


  • Membership: 9 members, for terms of 4 years
  • Eligibility: Must reside in the 94930-zip code area
  • Additional Requirements: Must file annual Form 700 Conflict of Interest Statement
Members    Position   Term Expiration
Susan Pascal Beran Chair 07/31/25
Jack Judkins Vice Chair 06/30/26
Michael Ardito Co-Secretary  06/30/28
Ruth Horn Co-Secretary  06/30/28
Geoffrey Bolt Member 12/01/25
Joe Franaszek Member 10/06/26
John Reed Member 2/29/28
Christine Kelly Member 03/01/27
Marc Lubomirski Member 11/01/27
Corina Karr Youth Member 5/31/24
Maria Pastor Youth Member 3/31/25
Chance Cutrano, Council Liaison n/a

Thank you for our past Ex Officio Youth members: Dylann Cullinane (2021-22); Sophie Taubman (2020-21); Dahlia Siegel‐Sigmund (2019‐20), Georgia Little (2018-19), Lili Secord (2017-18), Allie Ross (2016-17), Lily Williams (2016-17), Hannah Salaverry (2013-16) & Beatrix Berry (2013-15).

FOSC Subcommittees:

  1. Acquisitions – Susan Pascal Beran, Joe Franaszek, Jack Judkins, Ruth Horn
  2. Governance Subcommittee - Jack Judkins, Geoffrey Bolt
  3. Stewardship - Michael Ardito, Geoffrey Bolt, Heather Duplaisir, Teddy Catrini (youth member)
  4. Community Outreach and Fundraising - Michael Ardito, Geoffrey Bolt, Heather Duplaisir, Susan Pascal Beran
  5. Measure A Subcommittee Reps from FOSC -  Susan Pascal Beran (primary), Jack Judkins  (secondary)
    Town Council Liaison to FOSC:  Chance Cutrano
  6. Joint FOSC/San Anselmo Open Space - Michael Ardito, Ruth Horn, Jack Judkins, Susan Pascal Beran
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