Park and Recreation Commission (PARC)


The Parks and Recreation Commission oversees the public parks and recommends and organizes events and activities for Fairfax residents. Some of the events the Commission sponsors include:

  • Alice in Wonderland Tea Party with Fairfax Theater Company
  • Annual Egg Hunt in Bolinas Park
  • Fairfax Festival & Parade
  • Concerts in the Park
  • Town Wide Picnic on the Ballfield
  • Events by the Artist-in-Residence Collaborative
  • Public Art in the Parkade - rotating exhibits
  • Halloween Parade with the Chamber of Commerce
  • Menorah Lighting Ceremony with Chabad of West Marin

PARC also considers proposals for Public Art. Read the Public Art Resolution.

Get your community event sponsored by the Commission

The Commission also considers sponsorship of special one-time events that benefit the community. To be considered for a special event, an application must be submitted to the Parks Commission 60 days in advance. The Commission will review the application at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Download and print the application. Completed applications can be dropped of at Town Hall.


The Parks and Recreation Commission was established in 1988 as a Town Council-appointed Commission. The Commission consists of five members. Parks and Recreation Commissioners must file annual Form 700 Conflict of Interest Statement.


The Commission meets the 2nd Monday of the month in the Women’s Club at 7:00 p.m.


Commission members serve four-year terms and must reside within town limits.

Member Term Expiration
Sisi Parry-Hansen, Chair 9/30/25
Rachael Fischbein 5/31/27
Chris Arnold 4/30/27
Lisa Hillstrom 03/31/26
Claude Ibrahimoff 10/31/25
Maria Baird - Staff
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