Parkade Project
Project Status
The Parkade parking lot is open!
On February 20, the Parkade closed for the full reconstruction of the parking lot, including ADA improvements. The project was expected to take 7 to 8 weeks, but due to significant rain it was delayed by 2 weeks.
Three Parkade EV charging stations are open. We are awaiting the delivery and installation of the last two.
Thank you to the merchants who provided alternative parking locations for downtown customers, merchants, and employees during the closure. Thank you to everyone for your patience during the reconstruction.

Status of Bus Shelter Replacement
During the Parkade closure, the east bound (towards San Rafael) Sir Francis Drake Bus stop was temporarily relocated to Broadway, in front of Peri's Bar. On Monday, May 6th the east bound bus stop moved back to its original location on Sir Francis Drake.
The bus shelter in the parkade will be replaced with a similar wooden shelter. A volunteer has prepared plans which are being reviewed by architect/engineer. Our goals is to have volunteer contractors rebuild the shelter in September/October.
Project Contacts
The contractor’s project manager is John Moser, Maggiora & Ghilotti. He can be reached at (415) 459-8640 or
The Parkade Project includes the following improvements:
- Replace curb ramps at five (5) crosswalk locations around the Parkade to make them ADA compliant
- Replace curb ramps at the crosswalks across from the Parkade at the corners of Bolinas and Broadway (i.e., in front of Coffee Roastery and Grilly’s)
- Remove and construct new Parkade stairway across from the theater
- Create path from Taylor/Sir Francis Drake to remaining crosswalk stairs (i.e., Siam Lotus) and install flashing light system for the crosswalk
- Reconstruct the existing ADA ramp in the same location
- Reconstruct walkway between Sir Francis Drake and Broadway on the western edge of the Parkade
- Install three ADA compliant parking stalls
- Reconstruct the parking lot
- Add treatments for storm water runoff (e.g., rain gardens)
- Expand tree wells and save as many of the trees as possible (note: much of the damage to the Parkade is caused by tree roots)
While the Council began its specific discussion of the Parkade in 2017, in May 2018, the Council agreed on a conceptual plan for the Project. In November, the Council authorized CSW/Stuber-Stroeh Engineering Group, Inc., based in Novato, to design and prepare plans and specifications for the project.
At its December 5thmeeting, the Council agreed to hold a special meeting on December 31stto consider bids for the Project. Staff reported at the Council’s November and December meeting that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) had approved funds in July 2018 with a December 31, 2018 deadline to award a construction contract.
On December 31, 2018, the Council awarded to the bid to Maggiora & Ghilotti in the amount of $676,276, which was within the range of the engineer’s estimate. The initial grant for the project did not envision the reconstruction of the parking lot and other added project costs such as a flashing beacon system. Please refer to the staff reports for more detail.