Peri Park Playground
Did you know that our beloved Peri Park was built by volunteers? Yes, the original park was built by moms and dads with a vision for the community. This sentiment continues today with volunteer Park and Recreation Commissioners and town staff helping keep the spirit of our community alive. The new structures, installed in April 2021, by Bear Playgrounds were purchased with the Town of Fairfax support and a community fundraising model. The success of the park relies on volunteers, like you, to maintain the park and make sure it stays fresh and clean for generations to come.
Note: some structures needed to be removed from the park but PARC is working on expanding the park to re-install those structures in the near future.
Tees & Totes for Sale!
Support your local park by purchasing Peri Park tee shirts and totes at Revolution 9. Tee shirts come in every kid size, and we have lots of XL adult sizes. Totes make the perfect holiday gift for carrying groceries to picking up your favorite flowers at the market.
Revolution 9 is a local business at 14 Bolinas Road in downtown Fairfax. They are partnering with us to sell tee shirts and totes and a percentage will go back into helping our Recreation programs.
Thanks for your support!