Public Comment
Understanding the public comment process and the best ways to engage with your Town Council
Communicate with the Fairfax Town Council by using channels that are effective in our community. Here are some strategies on how to best share your thoughts and concerns with the Council whether it’s related to an item on an upcoming agenda.
Sharing a general concern or need
Folks looking to share their concerns with the Town Council regarding a matter not on an upcoming agenda can do so at any time! The Town Council have town-issued email addresses available online. You can email them individually or altogether by using the email.
Crafting an effective email
Keep your message clear, concise, focused, and factual; be specific about the topic you’re addressing, how it impacts you, and if possible, offer a reasonable solution for moving forward.
Attend and participate at a council meeting
All meetings are open to the public except for closed session meetings.
Town Council meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Women’s Club and on Zoom. The Council will occasionally hold a special meeting or study session.
Regular meeting agendas five (5) days before the meeting online. You can subscribe to have meeting agendas sent directly to your email.
Opportunities to provide comments on an agenda
Fairfax residents, business owners, and other stakeholders can give input on decisions by:
- Submitting written comments to the Council by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting
- Commenting at a meeting in person or on Zoom
Submitting written comments
Public comments for Town Council meetings must be sent before 3:00 p.m., the day of the council meeting. Public comments received before 3:00 p.m. will be posted to the meeting agenda online and be made available at the meeting. Comments received after the cutoff time will be posted online and made part of the record the next business day.
To submit a public comment to the Town Council, email is recommended for prompt and direct communication. Mail is also accepted.
- Email:
- Mail:
Office of the Town Clerk
142 Bolinas Road
Fairfax, CA 94930
Commenting in-person, on Zoom, or by phone
All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a whole and not to any individual member, nor to the audience.
The Council, staff, and members of the public are expected to be civil and courteous, and to refrain from questioning the character or motives of others participating in the meeting. Speakers should avoid using threatening, profane, or abusive language which disrupts, disturbs, or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of the council meeting.
Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to two (2) minutes and to focus on the topic at hand.
Commenting in-person
If you attend the meeting in person, you may approach the podium when a commenting opportunity is open.
Commenting on Zoom
- To speak, use the "raise hand" icon near the bottom of the screen and wait.
- The Clerk will call your name when it is your turn.
Commenting by phone
- To speak, press *9 when your item is called and wait for your turn.
- The Clerk will announce when it is your turn to speak by reading the last four digits of your phone number.
Make a plan to participate
Review upcoming meeting agendas to decide if there are any decisions you would like to comment on. You can access regular meeting agendas online five (5) days before the meeting.
If you plan to provide comments on any items on the agenda it’s important to read the staff reports and review supporting documentation to understand the options being presented to Council.