Archives: FAQs

How many vehicles do you have?

We currently have a fleet of nine vehicles. This breaks down as follows: six marked patrol vehicles, two unmarked vehicles and one parking buggy.

How many officers do you have?

We are authorized for 12 sworn officers. This breaks down to seven Police Officers (one position is currently frozen for budgetary reasons), two sergeants, one Lieutenant  and the Chief of Police.

There’s an easement on my property. What is an easement?

An easement is a legal right to cross, enter or otherwise use private property for a specific purpose. For example, a ‘utility easement’ allows utility companies to use a designated area (typically a corridor crossing a property) to locate utilities that serve other properties.

What zoning district is my property located in, and what does it mean?

You can find your zoning district by reviewing the Town of Fairfax’s Zoning Map Most of Fairfax is residentially zoned. Zoning protects property owners from inappropriate uses, and protects the character of neighborhoods by setting forth limits on building lot size, coverage, setbacks, etc. Zoning regulations also protect your real estate investment by allowing you to … Continued

How can I find if my house is in a flood zone? If so, how does it affect me?

Use this link for information on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood zones. The Town of Fairfax is responsible for implementing the FEMA regulations for properties within flood zones.  If your property is in a flood zone, special construction techniques (such as building elevation or floodproofing) are required to avoid damage to the structure. The … Continued

What information is required for a planning application?

The Planning Department has created a checklist of submittal requirements for applications (see link [link to checklist here]. If you are unsure what information or materials are necessary for your project, please refer to the checklist, the planning application webpage, or contact a planner to discuss application requirements. Keep in mind that if specific information … Continued

How can I comment on my neighbor’s project?

All applicants should discuss their plans with neighbors to determine any potential concerns with their project prior to submitting an application.  Neighbors are encouraged to discuss any concerns with applicants.  Once a project is submitted to Planning, a neighbor may submit comments at any time to the project planner.  A letter or email to the … Continued

Does a storage shed require a permit?

A storage shed that is 120 square feet or less in size, that does not have electricity, windows or plumbing, will not require a building permit but may require the approval of discretionary planning permits. Make sure you contact the Planning Department with a site plan showing the size, included improvements, and proposed location of … Continued

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