May I repair a building foundation?
No, unless you can show that delaying the work will make your residence uninhabitable. Please contact us.
No, unless you can show that delaying the work will make your residence uninhabitable. Please contact us.
Please suspend construction, as an addition to a residence is not considered essential. You may do the minimum work necessary to ensure that the construction area is safe and secure during the term established by the Health Order.
Maybe, but you would need to show that the work cannot be reasonably delayed and is needed to maintain habitability of the house and that there are no temporary waterproofing measures available.
Maybe, but you would need to show that the work cannot be reasonably delayed and is needed to maintain habitability the house and that there are no temporary waterproofing measures available.
Please suspend construction. You may continue work only if you can show that the repair is necessary to ensure that your home is safe or habitable and the repair cannot be reasonably delayed –for instance, if the deck is unsafe and provides the sole means of access to your home.
You may continue the minimum necessary to ensure adequate sanitation, provided this is the only bathroom in the house. Otherwise, please suspend construction. You may do the minimum necessary to ensure that the construction area is safe and secure during the term established by the Public Health Order.
You may complete the minimum work necessary to provide a functioning sink, stove, and refrigerator. Please suspend all other work on the kitchen remodel.
Watch out for “shoulder tapping” in which teens lurk outside a store and try to convince (and pay) older teens, homeless people, or anyone they can find, to go into your store and buy tobacco for them. In addition to refusing to sell tobacco to teens, you could train your employees to refuse to sell to … Continued
The Town conducts regular undercover compliance checks of all stores to determine which clerks still sell tobacco to teens. Those who continue to sell tobacco to youth risk suspension (losing) their Tobacco Retailer License. You can also lose your license by failing to re-new your application each year, or by not paying the $25 application … Continued
The license renewal is effective January 1stand is due annually. You must reapply for renewal of your license before it expires each year in December. If your address or anything else changes on your license, you must notify the Town of Fairfax within 10 business days. The fee to renew our license is $25, subject … Continued