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The following Town of Fairfax ordinances and codes govern planning and building in the community. The ordinances titles are linked to the text of the actual ordinances and codes. Town Ordinances Building and Construction Ordinance (Title 15 of the Town Code) Town Subdivision Ordinance (Title 16 of the Town Code) Zoning Ordinance (Title 17 of...

The Department of Planning and Building Services provides staff services to the Town Council and the Planning Commission related to the implementation of planning and land use policies and regulations in Fairfax. The Planning Division oversees the enforcement of Town ordinances that govern the development and use of property within the community. The Building Division...

Boards & Commissions vacancies are advertised on this website and on our 3 official bulletin boards around town: in front of Town Hall (142 Bolinas Road),  on the front porch of the Fairfax Women’s Club (46 Park Road), and in the Fairfax Post Office lobby on the left hand wall (Center Blvd). You can apply online...

You can send your thoughts to the Town Council by email or mail. Each member of the Town Council has their own email account, but if you want to ensure your message is part of the public record you should also send a copy to the Town Clerk’s Office  by email or mail. Be sure...

You can email them all at once or individually, by using our online contact form. You can also send an email to the Town Clerk with a request to share it with the Town Council. Depending on the nature of your email, the Town Council will do one of the following: If your email contains...

Fairfax has 5 councilmembers, who are all elected at large for 4-year terms. Each year at their December meeting, the Fairfax Town Council rotates the positions of mayor and vice mayor, selecting from among its members the new mayor and vice mayor.  All councilmembers have the chance to serve as mayor and/or vice mayor during...

In Person Attend at the Women's Club. Check the agenda for meeting times. Online (Zoom) Join via the Zoom link provided in the meeting agenda or call the provided number in the agenda. For Town Council and Planning Commission meetings, you can also watch live on TV Channel 27 or the Community Media Center of...

2018 Meeting Archive 2017 Meeting Archive 2016 Meeting Archive 2015 Meeting Archive 2014 Meeting Archive

Public Hearing Notices   Planning Commission Meeting - Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thanks to the support and encouragement of the Town Council, the Fairfax Police Department is able to provide a wide range of programs and services to assist the community. Through our Fingerprinting program, the community is able to conveniently come to our own police department for fingerprint checking services. The Radar Signs program helps keep...

Job Descriptions Click on any of the job descriptions below to see what we offer in our department. These are descriptions only, we currently have no job openings at this time.  About the Town of Fairfax Fairfax is a residential community of 7,000 population located within a 30 minute drive from San Francisco, the beach,...

Interested to learn about recent activity of Fairfax police officers? You can read all the details, in PDF format, by clicking the Press Log link below. To read the report, please note that the date and incident number are combined in the boldface number on the right of the page. For example, when you see...

Evacuation Maps The Town, in conjunction, with FIRESafe MARIN and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) has prepared evacuation maps for Fairfax neighborhoods. In addition to routes, the maps contains important safety tips, an evacuation checklist, and how to receive information regarding emergencies. Disaster Preparedness: Evacuation Planning Guide An order to evacuate could come at...

Purpose The Parks and Recreation Commission oversees the public parks and recommends and organizes events and activities for Fairfax residents. Some of the events the Commission sponsors include: Alice in Wonderland Tea Party with Fairfax Theater Company Annual Egg Hunt in Bolinas Park Fairfax Festival & Parade Concerts in the Park Town Wide Picnic on...

Purpose The Fairfax Open Space Committee assesses open space acquisition opportunities, raise funds and support within the community for such proposals. This Committee also serves as an advisory body in the consideration of long-term planning for the Town, and to review certain planning and development matters. Background The Fairfax Open Space Committee (“FOSC”) is an...

The Finance Committee is a standing committee, chaired by the Finance Director. The committee is responsible for reviewing and providing guidance for the Town’s financial matters. Specifically, the committee assures internal controls, independent audit, and financial analysis for the organization. The Finance Committee reviews all financial statements and reports on financial activity to the Council....

The Climate Action Committee (“CAC”) was established to implement the Climate Action Plan, adopted by the Town Council on  February 5, 2014. Its mission is to mitigate the production of greenhouse gas and  compile existing and potential strategies to address climate change. CAC develops an annual action plan as well as any recommended amendments to...

The Citizens Disaster Council is an advisory committee mandated by the Town Code that meets on an as-needed basis.The duties of the Disaster Council are to develop and recommend actions for the Town Council to consider, including:Emergency and mutual aid plans and agreements.Ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations necessary to implement such plans and agreements. The Disaster...

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