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Date and time: 2024-05-20 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: May 20, 2024Date and time: 2024-05-20 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: May 20, 2024

Date and time: 2024-04-22 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: April 22, 2024Date and time: 2024-04-22 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: April 22, 2024

Date and time: 2024-03-25 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: March 25, 2024Date and time: 2024-03-25 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: March 25, 2024Date and time: 2024-03-25 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: March 25, 2024

Date and time: 2024-02-26 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: February 26, 2023Date and time: 2024-02-26 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: February 26, 2024

Date and time: 2024-01-22 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: January 22, 2023Date and time: 2024-01-22 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: January 22, 2024

All documents on this page reflect the revision process of the adoption of the Housing Element. To view the adopted Housing Element, visit the Housing Element home page.

PG&E will be performing vegetation management at the following locations in Fairfax next week, December 11 - December 16 Since the beginning of 2023, PG&E has: Completed work on over 500 trees. Additional inspections will take place on approximately 700 trees and work will be performed as needed. View PG&E’s full slide deck on vegetation...

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography December 6, 2023 Highlights Reorganization of Town Council: Selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor At the December 6, 2023, Town Council meeting, the Council selected Council Member Barbara Coler to serve as the Town’s new Mayor and Council Member Lisel Blash to serve as the Town’s new...

At its December 6, 2023, regular meeting, the Fairfax Town Council reorganized as follows: Mayor Barbara Coler Vice Mayor Lisel Blash  Council Member Bruce Ackerman  Council Member Stephanie Hellman Council Member Chance Cutrano The Fairfax Town Council regularly meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., except for January and July, which are...

You can assert your rights. Send your landlord a letter or email explaining that Fairfax passed a Rent Stabilization ordinance. You can include a link to these FAQs. If your landlord continues to refuse to recalculate your rent, contact Legal Aid of Marin at (415) 492-0230. Once the Rent Stabilization Ordinance is fully implemented, you’ll...

You do not lose your rollback rights. Fairfax’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance provides that a tenant cannot waive any part of the law by signing a contract. Even if you signed a new lease, you should use the new rent calculation method above.

Date and time: 2023-12-19 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Tree Committee Meeting: December 119, 2023Date and time: 2023-12-19 07:00 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Special Tree Committee Meeting: December 19, 2023

Date and time: 2023-12-18 07:00 pmLocation: Tree Committee Meeting: December 18, 2023 (canceled)Department: Tree Committee Meeting: December 18, 2023 (canceled)

You may set the maximum number of occupants for your unit in the original lease. If your tenant requests to sublease their unit, you may refuse their request in writing within 14 days of receiving said request. You must state the reason for your refusal, which may not be based on the proposed additional occupant's...

Under the ordinance, you may establish a temporary tenancy with a new tenant that does not require relocation payments if the following are true: You will be recovering the unit to occupy as your primary residence when the temporary tenancy ends; You previously occupied the unit as your primary residence prior to the temporary tenancy...

No. Short-term rentals of less than 30 days are exempt from just cause eviction protections.

It depends. ADUs are not subject to Fairfax’s just cause ordinance if the ADU is attached to your home and that home is your primary residence. JADUs are not subject to Fairfax’s just cause ordinance if you occupy the home.

Lease terms under one year: You can choose to evict your tenant if their lease term is less than one year and you had previously occupied the unit and want to return. You are not required to provide any relocation payments. Protections for school age children and educators: You cannot evict for substantial repairs or...

Under the ordinance, you maintain the right to evict your tenant in order to permanently withdraw your rental unit from the rental market (i.e., go out of business) as permitted by the Ellis Act. These are often referred to as “Ellis Act Evictions.” If you serve your tenant an Ellis Act Eviction, you are required...

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