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Click here for the latest Age Friendly Newsletter.  Sign up for the Age Friendly Newsletter We publicize the Age Friendly Newsletter monthly in the Town Newsletter and online. Subscribe to the Town Newsletter to receive Age friendly updates right into your inbox!

October 19, 2024

                  This annual event is led by community members from Age Friendly Fairfax. The Town of Fairfax honors our nonagenarian Fairfax community members with home delivered gift baskets to our age friendly residents 90 years of age or older. Get on our delivery list We’ll be sending...

PG&E will be performing vegetation management at the following locations in Fairfax for the week of July 12, 2024 View PG&E’s full slide deck on vegetation management. You can also learn more about this program by visiting PG&E’s managing trees and plants site. Please contact PG&E with any questions or concerns at or 1-877-295-4949. Location Trims Removals...

PG&E will be performing vegetation management at the following locations in Fairfax for the week of July 5, 2024 View PG&E’s full slide deck on vegetation management. You can also learn more about this program by visiting PG&E’s managing trees and plants site. Please contact PG&E with any questions or concerns at or 1-877-295-4949. Location Trims Removals...

Read our latest newsletter to learn about: Town support MOST's application to Marin County for $1 million Measure A Grant Fairfax PD gets e-bike Preapproved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Plans Dark Sky discussion at Planning Commission Marin Wildfire Grants Upcoming events And more! Subscribe to the newsletter Subscribe to get this newsletter sent directly to you!

All California municipalities are mandated by state law to have a preapproval process for ADU plans by Jan. 1, 2025. This is intended to allow for ADUs to be approved on a more expedited basis. Starting January 1, Fairfax will post architect contact information of those that have preapproved plans available. These preapproved plans can...

In responding to information requests, we will advise the person submitting the request, by telephone, email, or by US mail as appropriate, of (1) the location, date, and time at which the requested records may be inspected; (2) if copies of records are requested, the cost of providing such copies; (3) which of the records...

In balancing the public’s right to access public records with the recognized individual right of privacy and the need for government agencies to be able to competently perform their duties, the Legislature has established certain categories of records as exempt from public disclosure. A complete list of statutory exemptions is found in the Public Records...

If the information is in hard copy only and must be photocopied, or if you desire a hard copy printout, the cost is 10 cents per page. If the information you request is available in an electronic format and you desire it in that format, the file(s) can be copied to a DVD/CD/USB at a...

The Town shall determine within 10 days from the receipt of a public records request whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in possession of the Town. [Government Code 7927.535(a)]

The Town will make copies of records for members of the public upon request. The California Public Records Act provides that copies of records will be made promptly available upon payment of fees that cover the direct costs of duplication, which are generally the costs of running a copy machine. In some cases (especially with...

You can review public records at Town Hall during regular office hours, which are Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays. We encourage you to call the Clerk’s Office at (415) 458-2343 to make an appointment if you decide to come in person.

A question and a public records request are not the same thing, although they both involve seeking information. A question is a general inquiry for information, often posed in conversation or communication, seeking an immediate response or clarification. On the other hand, a public records request is a procedure governed by law, usually in the...

Public records mean any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by the Town regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored. Please note that records are not inquiries and the Town is under no legal obligation to create a record that does...

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