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Read our latest newsletter to learn about: PG&E work on Bolinas Road Housing Element Rent Stabilization program initiatives New Housing Specialist, Bryn McKillop Events, including, ADU Marin webinar, Earth Day, And more! Subscribe to the newsletter Subscribe to get this newsletter sent directly to you!

The Town has initiated partial implementation of the Rent Stabilization program with two initiatives. Keep in mind, rent increases are not permitted unless authorized by the Annual General Adjustment (AGA) or through a hearing process. Hearing Process Chapter 5.55 (Rent Stabilization Program) of the Town Code now provides for a hearing process for the consideration...

An e-mail address and a telephone line in now available for questions regarding the rent stabilization program and just cause evictions.  Please contact or call (415) 259-7997.

November 5, 2024 Ballot Measure At its June 5, 2024 Town Council meeting, the Town Council adopted a resolution to add the Just Cause Evictions and Rent Stabilization Initiative Measure to the November 5, 2024, ballot. Additionally, the Council voted 3-2 to not print the entire measure in the voter guide.  Read the Staff Report...

The ADU Center provides a "one stop shop" to assist property owners in planning and developing ADUs including one-on-one customer service, facilitation between Marin jurisdictions and contractors, along with guides and resources specific to building ADUs in Marin starting on April 1, 2024. The ADU Center offers the following services: One on One Feasibility Consultations...

Rights Under State Law ADUs are allowed in all residential zones and most commercial zones with limited exceptions for public safety, traffic, and water. For instance, the adequacy of water or sewer services. State law says all homeowners in California are allowed to build an 800-square-foot freestanding ADU. State law allows many types of existing...

Up until 2032, residents with existing ADUs and JADUs may apply for a permit without any penalty. To receive the permit, existing ADUs and JADUs must come into compliance with the zoning code (built within the correct setback and not built within excess of height limits, for example) and the Town's building code. The ADU-permit...

The Town received a letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on April 8, 2024 that certifies the Town of Fairfax, Housing Element 2023-31 has been certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The culminates years of community workshops, public meetings, work by Town staff, the Planning...

Fairfax residents looking to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) to their property can find a supportive and streamlined process. These units are excellent for providing additional housing options or income, aligning with community values of diversity and affordability. According to State law, the Town must provide an expedited...

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography April 3, 2024 Highlights Proclamation Honoring and Thanking Dirk Ooijkaas for His Contributions to the Fairfax Community At the April 3 Town Council meeting, the Town Council presented a proclamation and a plaque to members of Dirk Ooijkaas’ community. The plaque will be hung in the Women’s...

The Town of Fairfax works closely with the County of Marin and other local jurisdictions on homelessness issues to provide support and safety to all people living in Fairfax. Fairfax Homeless Encampment Since the formation of the small encampment in Fairfax in 2021, the Town officials, including elected representatives, staff, and the Fairfax Police department, have...

On Wedesday, April 3, 2024, the Fairfax Town Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to the Coastal Conservancy requesting grant support for the acquisition of the Wall Property. Read the letter. Learn more about the Wall Property Information, resources and donation information can be found on Marin Open Space Trust's (MOST) website.

Read our latest newsletter to learn about: Upcoming Town Council meeting Chipper Day program Speed radar signs Landscape Equipment Rebate program Summer Camps And more! Subscribe to the newsletter Subscribe to get this newsletter sent directly to you!

No violations of federal or State fair housing law have been documented in the Town but the fact that discrimination has been documented in other Marin County communities suggests that there may be unreported instances of housing discrimination in Fairfax, such as discrimination against renters because of their source of income or the presence of...

Date and time: 2024-04-03 06:30 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Special Town Council Meeting: April 3, 2024Date and time: 2024-04-03 06:30 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Special Town Council Meeting: April 3, 2024Date and time: 2024-04-03 06:30 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Special Town Council Meeting: April 3, 2024Date and time: 2024-04-03 06:30 pmLocation: Fairfax Women's ClubDepartment: Special...

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