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Use of Ballfield for Outdoor Classes You may use this form to also apply to use the ballfield for outdoor classes.  All classes are subject to compliance with industry-specific requirements outlined in the Marin County public health orders. Business must list the hours they intend to hold classes.  The use of the ballfield is based...

Description: Public parking spaces are all parking on public streets, such as Bolinas Rd.. At this time we are not allowing the use of parking spaces within public Town parking lot for private use. Specific Standards: In addition to the common standards listed above, the following standards apply to a Use of Public Parking Spaces Restaurants must...

Specific Standards: In addition to the common standards listed above, the following standards apply to a Use of Public Sidewalks: Dining and retail activity and merchandise display area must be limited to the street frontage width of the business, unless an adjacent business allows the use of their public space. Applications are automatically approved with the...

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In a previous message to the community (6/5/2020), I spoke to the fact that our policies on use of force are in line with many of the policy reform recommendations from outside organizations. I pointed out that those policies have always been available on our web site. I understand that my messages cannot reach a...

Dear Fairfax Community, I’ve been sitting with my large sheet of white poster board and my paints, ruminating over what I want to paint on my sign to hold in the Parkade, and stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. I’ve been holding signs made by other people, one by a white Drake...

Community Message from Chief Christopher Morin, June 5, 2020 I along with some of our community leaders have received many calls, emails and social media messages from within and outside our community in the recent days.  The questions are concerning our use of force and other policies in relation to a report card and information...

To The Fairfax Community: On June 1st, 2020 I attended a meeting of all of the Marin County Police Chiefs.  Below is a joint statement that we have agreed on disseminating to our communities as the result of the death George Floyd in Minnesota.  I endorse this statement.  The officers of your Fairfax Police Department...

The second delivery of compost is coming soon! 

June 4th, 2020 To the Fairfax Community, I have been struggling with the proper way to express my personal thoughts and feelings of sadness over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota who died at the hands of Police Officers.  While I am not familiar with the policies and practices of agencies in Minnesota, I...

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