FAQ Topic: Business licenses

How do I pay my Business License Tax?

You pay your Business License Tax when you register for or renew a  Business License. If you have a Business License, you have already paid your Business Tax. You can pay your license fee at Town Hall during regular business hours (Monday – Thursday, 8:30-5:00 pm)

How do I register my new business?

If you would like to register your new business, you should check with our Planning Division to make sure your business location is zoned properly for the business you want to do. Then you will need to complete a Business License Application. Link to attached pdf.

Does the Town require a business license?

A business license is a tax required of most businesses that conduct business within the Fairfax Town limits, even if your physical office is located outside Town limits. Business license taxes help to pay for street maintenance, police and fire protection, and other services that benefit businesses and the general public. You need a business … Continued

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