FAQ Topic: Town Government

How do I become a member of a Board or Commission?

Boards & Commissions vacancies are advertised on this website and on our 3 official bulletin boards around town: in front of Town Hall (142 Bolinas Road),  on the front porch of the Fairfax Women’s Club (46 Park Road), and in the Fairfax Post Office lobby on the left hand wall (Center Blvd). You can apply online … Continued

How do I contact the Town Council?

You can email them all at once or individually, by using our online contact form. You can also send an email to the Town Clerk with a request to share it with the Town Council. Depending on the nature of your email, the Town Council will do one of the following: If your email contains … Continued

Who is on the Town Council?

Fairfax has 5 councilmembers, who are all elected at large for 4-year terms. Each year at their December meeting, the Fairfax Town Council rotates the positions of mayor and vice mayor, selecting from among its members the new mayor and vice mayor.  All councilmembers have the chance to serve as mayor and/or vice mayor during … Continued

When does Town Council meet?

The Town Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month, except for January and July,  at 7:00 p.m. at the Women’s Club (46 Park Road). Each year, the Town Council sets their January and July meeting dates by resolution to avoid conflicts with New Year’s Day and Fourth of July.  In addition, they occasionally … Continued

Where do I find election information?

The Town of Fairfax consolidates its local elections with the Marin County Elections Department. https://www.marincounty.org/depts/rv. You can also find more information about our local elections on our Town Clerk’s page. 

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