Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography
December 13, 2023 Highlights
Proclamation Recognizing Michele Gardner for Her Service to the Town of Fairfax
The Town Council recognized Deputy Town Clerk/Assistant to the Town Manager, Michele Gardner for her 10+ years of service to the Town of Fairfax. Michele will be retiring from her staff position at the end of December 2023, but will maintain her ceremonial position as the Elected Town Clerk.
Watch this portion of the meeting
Town Council certifies the Environmental Impact Report and adopts the 2023-2031 Housing Element
Jeff Beiswenger, Planning and Building Director, and Dyett and Batia consultant, Andrew Hill delivered a presentation to describe the Environmental Impact Report and 2023-2031 Housing Element documents in detail. Following public testimony and council deliberation, the Town Council certified the Environmental Impact Report and approved the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update.
Read the Staff Report
Watch this portion of the meeting
Consent Calendar
There we no items on consent.
Learn about our Town Council meetings
Town Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Fairfax Women’s Club and online. We occasionally hold special meetings.
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