2023 Road Repair Project
The Project is for the repair/repaving of three town roads and associated work. The streets are Scenic between Azalea and Manor, Porteous between Bolinas and Wood Lane and Claus Drive between Sir Francis Drake and Burdette. Work will include removal and replacement of asphalt, new striping and markings, and adjacent ADA work on sidewalks.
Bid submission location + deadline
- June 27, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.,
- Town Hall office, located at 142 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax, California, 94930
The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Time for Final Completion
The Project must be fully completed within 120 calendar days from the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed.
Estimated Cost
The estimated construction cost is $600,000.
This Project requires a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): Class A – General Engineering.
DIR Registration
Town may not accept a Bid Proposal from or enter into the Contract with a bidder, without proof that the bidder is registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5, subject to limited legal exceptions.
Contract Documents
The plans, specifications, bid forms and contract documents for the Project, and any addenda thereto (“Contract Documents”) may be downloaded from City’s website . Printed copies of the Contract Documents are not available.
Prevailing Wage Requirements
General. Pursuant to California Labor Code § 1720 et seq., this Project is subject to the prevailing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the Work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the Work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes.
The prevailing rates are on file with the Town and are available online through the Department of Industrial Relations. Each Contractor and Subcontractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the Project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.
The Contract will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR, under Labor Code § 1771.4
Instructions to Bidders
All bidders should carefully review the Instructions to Bidders for more detailed information before submitting a Bid Proposal. The definitions provided in Article 1 of the General Conditions apply to all of the Contract Documents, as defined therein, including this Notice Inviting Bids.
Bidders’ Conference
A bidders’ conference will be held on June 2, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., at the Town of Fairfax Town Hall to acquaint perspective bidders with the Contract Documents and the Worksite. The bidders’ conference is not mandatory.
Bid questions must be in writing and can be emailed to Loren Umbertis at Lumbertis@townoffairfax.org.